December 31,2013
Just realized that this will be the last time I can write that date on my blog.... kinda scary, actually.
There was really no option when it came to picking photos for this site. Living in the maritime provinces in Canada we have been having some pretty severe weather, even for here. Although I have been one of those fortunate ones ( fingers crossed in case that statement jinxes me!) that did not lose power, many others in my family and friends were without heat or electricity for many days, not the least of which was Christmas Day!!
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~w Linky
December 18,2013
I am actually going to try to keep this post a lot less wordy... not yet wordless but probably as close as I'll get for this year.
I am actually going to try to keep this post a lot less wordy... not yet wordless but probably as close as I'll get for this year.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Wordless Wednesday w Linky
December 11,2013
You know the old axiom ..everything old is new again... well that is the theme of this week's post.
I have been hearing a lot of buzz about "Elf on the Shelf" and the crazy antics and limitless energy this little creature exhibits. Our grand children speak in hushed and revered voices about what the elf can "do", while I, on the other hand listen in amazement at the lengths the kids will go to behave in front of these creatures!!
You know the old axiom ..everything old is new again... well that is the theme of this week's post.
I have been hearing a lot of buzz about "Elf on the Shelf" and the crazy antics and limitless energy this little creature exhibits. Our grand children speak in hushed and revered voices about what the elf can "do", while I, on the other hand listen in amazement at the lengths the kids will go to behave in front of these creatures!!
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w~ Linky
It's a December WW ( actually it's Tuesday) but since I'm trying to be like the other "eager beavers" out there I have to get a jump start on my post!
There is a subtle message with this one which I will explain at the end of the post.
It's a December WW ( actually it's Tuesday) but since I'm trying to be like the other "eager beavers" out there I have to get a jump start on my post!
There is a subtle message with this one which I will explain at the end of the post.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
I realize that it is still November and our American friends have not yet even celebrated Thanksgiving, but for me.... and judging by a large number of people on our street... many others, Christmas decorating is well under way. Now I face the annual dilemma of how to change things up a bit from the dozens of other years of decorating.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
November 13,2013
For this wordless Wednesday I have chosen 3 rather nondescript photos that really speak for themselves...
For this wordless Wednesday I have chosen 3 rather nondescript photos that really speak for themselves...
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
Wednesday October 30,2013
With Halloween being so close I just had to post something related to the time. I had an interesting experience this week that made me think... not always an easy task! LOL! It is all about perspective.
With Halloween being so close I just had to post something related to the time. I had an interesting experience this week that made me think... not always an easy task! LOL! It is all about perspective.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Times they are a changing.....or not! A Halloween Perspective.
October 27,2013
Like many folks in Canada and the United States, I have been doing a bit of decorating for the Halloween season that is almost upon us. I do this primarily for our grandchildren, as they seem to get a kick out of it!
Like many folks in Canada and the United States, I have been doing a bit of decorating for the Halloween season that is almost upon us. I do this primarily for our grandchildren, as they seem to get a kick out of it!
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
October 23,2013
I love all things natural and but have a healthy respect for the forces of Nature. While visiting one of the beautiful Parks in our city I saw first hand how our coasts are slowly ( and sometimes not so slowly) falling victim to erosion.
I love all things natural and but have a healthy respect for the forces of Nature. While visiting one of the beautiful Parks in our city I saw first hand how our coasts are slowly ( and sometimes not so slowly) falling victim to erosion.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Wordless Wednesday w Linky
October 9,2013
I am fortunate that my two sisters are also my best friends. We... and our hubbies, sometimes....go on picnics, camping trips or just day trips with photo ops. It is interesting to note that both of my sisters have very successful blogs as well.
I am fortunate that my two sisters are also my best friends. We... and our hubbies, sometimes....go on picnics, camping trips or just day trips with photo ops. It is interesting to note that both of my sisters have very successful blogs as well.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
October 2,2013
I am fortunate to live in a city that is steeped in history. I love the architecture in old cities and this one does not disappoint.
I am fortunate to live in a city that is steeped in history. I love the architecture in old cities and this one does not disappoint.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
While out on a walk recently I was fascinated by a house with this sign on it.....
While out on a walk recently I was fascinated by a house with this sign on it.....
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
I am willing to bet, with all the amazing and beautiful photos that I view on Wordless Wednesday there will not be another quite like this. Now I am not talking about quality or photographic genius here, just pure and simple subject matter.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
September 11,2013
I'm sure I am not alone when I say that it still seems strange to me, every time I write September 11th, no matter what the year. I am Canadian and I still feel the residual effects of the date, so if you are American and reading this it is probably much more intense. I must state,however, there is an upside to the date as well. Today is a wedding anniversary for our son and his lovely wife.
I'm sure I am not alone when I say that it still seems strange to me, every time I write September 11th, no matter what the year. I am Canadian and I still feel the residual effects of the date, so if you are American and reading this it is probably much more intense. I must state,however, there is an upside to the date as well. Today is a wedding anniversary for our son and his lovely wife.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~~ w Linky
The spring blush has faded from my little garden, and summer is almost a memory as well, but here are a few blooms that have recently felt the benefit of the warm and sunny August we enjoyed.
The spring blush has faded from my little garden, and summer is almost a memory as well, but here are a few blooms that have recently felt the benefit of the warm and sunny August we enjoyed.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w~ Linky
August 14,2013
We have had my hubby's sister visiting from the U.S.- a city very near Buffalo, N.Y. As she was born and raised in our home town, she loves to go for drives to places near by and notes with interest how " things have changed so much"... or in some cases .."not so much"
We have had my hubby's sister visiting from the U.S.- a city very near Buffalo, N.Y. As she was born and raised in our home town, she loves to go for drives to places near by and notes with interest how " things have changed so much"... or in some cases .."not so much"
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
July 31,2013
I have long had a fascination and love of herbs and spices. Actually my A-Z Blogathon for 2013 was based on Herbs and Spices.
With Summer reaching the 1/2 was point my personal little herb garden has begun to thrive.
I have long had a fascination and love of herbs and spices. Actually my A-Z Blogathon for 2013 was based on Herbs and Spices.
With Summer reaching the 1/2 was point my personal little herb garden has begun to thrive.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
July 24,2013
Today is a cooler rainy day on the east coast, and I do mean coast. We live near a large harbour that opens to the Bay of Fundy and then the Atlantic Ocean. We have an expression... "if you don't like the weather,hang around for a few hours and it will change"
Today is a cooler rainy day on the east coast, and I do mean coast. We live near a large harbour that opens to the Bay of Fundy and then the Atlantic Ocean. We have an expression... "if you don't like the weather,hang around for a few hours and it will change"
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Tasha's Tat...Have you seen it??
July 18,2013
I am fortunate to have a delightful family and they all have wonderful stories to tell. This is just one of many, and I thought I would share it with you.... my virtual family members!!
We have three children. Two girls and one boy. This is a story pertaining to our youngest.
I am fortunate to have a delightful family and they all have wonderful stories to tell. This is just one of many, and I thought I would share it with you.... my virtual family members!!
We have three children. Two girls and one boy. This is a story pertaining to our youngest.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
July 18,2013
My sisters and I had less than optimal weather for our annual "get away". We did however, have a couple of picture perfect opportunities.
My sisters and I had less than optimal weather for our annual "get away". We did however, have a couple of picture perfect opportunities.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Wordless Wednesday~ w Linky Papa's Birthday
Like most families that live in reasonably close proximity to each other, we gather for any "special" dates...the usual holidays, Mother's Day,Father's Day etc, but birthdays are the best!
Thursday, 27 June 2013
#TGCBB 2013 --Canada Stones... er... Rocks!!
Special thanks to our hosts;
@momvstheboys, @MapleLeafMommy and@WhispersInspire
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w/Linky Pot 'o gold at the end of the rainbow??
What is special about "summer" in the part of the world that you live in?? For me... and most of the people I surround myself with, it's the warmer weather, longer days, more sunshine...
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Biannual Bloggathon Bash. Wind up post June23/13
Friday, 21 June 2013
Blogathon Bash Friday June 21,2013
So for those of you who are not familiar with all the excitement let me explain.
Today is the start of the Biannual Blogathon Bash which lasts for 72 hours ( Friday @ 0800 to Monday @ 0800) During this time we, as bloggers, have fun, make a "to do" list, make new friends and re-establish friendships with those whom we have not connected with in a while.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Essential Living ~ Aromatherapy Recipes for Health & Home
Anyone who knows me also know that I absolutely love recipes. I have numerous cook books and when expecting company it is not unusual for me to "read" several of these books looking for the right recipe to please my guests. When I received an offer to review a "recipe book", I was of course, overjoyed!
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ (w Linky)
June 19,2013
I love checking out everyone's photos for this Wordless Wednesday. Each one has a story.What was happening in your life at the particular moment that you thought you would stop what you are doing and snap a picture?
I love checking out everyone's photos for this Wordless Wednesday. Each one has a story.What was happening in your life at the particular moment that you thought you would stop what you are doing and snap a picture?
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Wordless Wednesday June 12,2013
Going for the Gold....Marigolds that is....
A group of school students in the southern New Brunswick area are hoping to break the world record for the most flowers planted in one day.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Wordless Wednesday~ w Linky
June 4,2013
There are some things that just say "fun" and only a child can truly represent that!
There are some things that just say "fun" and only a child can truly represent that!
Monday, 3 June 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
May 29,2013
Hard to believe it is already the end of May!!! Although I am happy that we have seen an entire day of beautiful sunshine the weather is still cool. There are however, some unmistakable signs of spring.
Hard to believe it is already the end of May!!! Although I am happy that we have seen an entire day of beautiful sunshine the weather is still cool. There are however, some unmistakable signs of spring.
Friday, 24 May 2013
Friday -Celebrate the Small Things
May 24,2013
I decided to join a weekly blog hop in which the author Scribblings of an Aspiring Author, celebrates the small things. It is aptly called--
Celebrate the Small Things
I decided to join a weekly blog hop in which the author Scribblings of an Aspiring Author, celebrates the small things. It is aptly called--
Celebrate the Small Things
I just got back from a brisk walk through fog and drizzle. In addition to feeling soggy, and needing mini wipers for my glasses , I also was unusually short of breath. This got me to thinking about my health in general and my heart in particular.... yes, to those who doubt it, I do have a heart.... physically anyway!!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Wordless Wednesday ~ w Linky
I have posted this shot once before, but energy production is always in the forefront.
Friday, 17 May 2013
Intention--- What do you intend to do about it??
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Wordless Wednesday --w LINKY May 15,2013
Today is a grey, cold, damp day and I really have to push my promise to myself to find something good each day. But I did it.....
Monday, 13 May 2013
Simple Luxuries Lotion Bar
With Spring in firmly entrenched in our northern climate, I find I am joyfully spending more and more time outside. From digging out lawn furniture to digging in the garden, my poor hands take a real beating. I have been a Registered Nurse for many years.. ( notice I am purposely leaving out the number!) and have developed the habit of constantly washing and/or sanitizing my hands.
(photo attribution-national geographic)
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Wordless Wednesday May 8,2013
Since this is Nurses Week, I am taking the opportunity to send wishes to all Nurses everywhere, but am particularly sending happy wishes to my sisters.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Liebster Award
I have to admit that I am at a loss for what to write about as my posts were all set our for the month of April, all I had to do was research them and put it to paper... er, make that guess I shouldn't have used that saying it only gets worse.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Wordless Wednesday -- May 1,2013
Now that the A-Z Challenge is behind us it is time to focus on getting back to what ever each of us considers "normal". For me it is taking part in Wordless Wednesday....
A-Z Challenge -- "Z" is for Za'atar Seasoning Blend
Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by to visit!
For the past many years I have had an, make that a fascination with herbs, spices and seasonings. - About how they were used by our ancestors centuries ago for a variety of ailments, and how they are used today to enhance your favorite recipe.
With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"Z" is for Za'atar Seasoning Blend
Monday, 29 April 2013
A-Z Challenge ---"Y" is for Yucca
Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by to visit!
For the past many years I have had an, make that a fascination with herbs, spices and seasonings. - About how they were used by our ancestors centuries ago for a variety of ailments, and how they are used today to enhance your favorite recipe.
With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"Y" is for Yarrow

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"Y" is for Yarrow
Saturday, 27 April 2013
A-Z Challenge --"X" is for Xylopia aethiopica
Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by to visit!

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"X" is for xylopia aethiopica
Friday, 26 April 2013
A-Z Challenge -- "W" is for White Pepper
Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by to visit!

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"W" is for White Pepper
Thursday, 25 April 2013
A-Z Challenge --"V" is for Vanilla Bean
Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by to visit!

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"V" is for Vanilla Bean
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
A-Z Challenge --"U" is for Unicorn Root
Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by to visit!

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning for each day of the A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.
Learn more about these terms
"U" is for Unicorn Root
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