Thursday 18 April 2013

A-Z Challenge -- -"P"

  For the past many years I have had an, make that a fascination with herbs, spices and seasonings. -  How they were used by our ancestors centuries ago for a variety of ailments, and how they are used today to enhance your favorite recipe.
With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning  for each day of the  A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.

To learn more about these terms check here.

                   "P" is for Parsley


Although there was never any doubt which herb I wanted to write about, I must admit that paprika,and poppy seed were definitely in the running.


The delicious and vibrant taste and wonderful healing properties of parsley are often ignored in its popular role as a table garnish. Highly nutritious, parsley can be found year round in your local supermarket.
Parsley is the world's most popular herb. It derives its name from the Greek word meaning "rock celery" (parsley is a relative to celery). It is a biennial plant that will return to the garden year after year once it is established.

There are more than 30 varieties fo parsley but the most common are curly-leaf and the more pungent  or flat-leaf parsley. The flat leaf has more flavor that the curly parsley and is preferred for cooking.  Dried parsley has little flavor at all. In ancient times parsley wreaths were used to ward off drunkenness. (Good luck with that one!!)

Medicinal uses of Parsley

ParsleyParsley is a vitamin and mineral powerhouse, and as such should be part of every medicinal garden.  Indoors, it adds greenery and makes an attractive, edible garnish for the kitchen shelf during the winter.  Outdoors, it can be planted with other herbs or flowers, and makes a pretty, green accent.  
Parsley contains a large amount of chlorophyll, and as such is a natural breath sweetener.  Eat the leaves right off the plant to combat breath odors. 



The material provided on this site is designed for information and educational purposes only. The materials are not intended to be a self diagnostic and/or self treatment tool. I encourage you to use this information as a tool for discussing your condition with your health practitioner.    *The medicinal usages are for informational and educational purposes only*


  1. After reading through all your wonderful herbs, I think I'll build myself a special garden just for herbs...leaving out mint(bad experience there, with them being so prolific). I'd planted a few herbs here and there through the gardens, but in Spring couldn't identify them and usually pulled them out. This garden will be left alone to grow wonderful ready to use herbs. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

    1. I am hoping to achieve a similar garden... would love to have it on my deck so it will be handy!
      Thanks for the comment.

  2. Kathy, I know exactly what you mean about mint, we used to end up mowing a lot of ours it spread so far.

    Dried parsley is absolutely useless stuff. Fresh is a totally different matter.


    1. Oh,Jo, I so agree, I have old containers of dried parsley in my cupboard, that will soon great the garbage.... but can't wait to taste the "new stuff"!!

  3. Oh I wish you would write a post on poppy seeds! You know we have a delicious Bengali recipe where we use poppy seed paste. Here is more about that delicious recipe called Alu posto (potatoes cooked in poppy seeds):

    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog. I never knew so much about the herbs we use everyday!


    1. Thanks so much for leaving me the URL to the recipe site. I also love poppy seeds. Can't wait to try the Alu posto!!

      Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice

  4. just discovered your blog and I am glad. Love to learn so much about herbs we use daily!
