Friday 12 April 2013

A- Z Challenge ---"K"

Well, Hello there!!! I am so pleased that you stopped by  to visit!

    For the past many years I have had an, make that a fascination with herbs, spices and seasonings. - About how they were used by our ancestors centuries ago for a variety of ailments, and how they are used today to enhance your favorite recipe.

With this in mind I am attempting to present a different herb, spice or seasoning  for each day of the  A-Z Challenge. Please drop by often and perhaps we both will learn something new.

Learn more about these terms

                                                      "K" is for Kaffir Lime Leaves

Amazingly, I found it rather difficult to find a "K" herb or spice. The only other was Kalonji , the black seeds of the Nigella plant used in Asian cooking. For today's post, though the Herb is

Use Kaffir Lime LeavesKaffir lime leaves come from the Kaffir lime tree, native to Indonesia. The leaves are highly aromatic and suitable for Asian cuisines including Thai, Indonesian, Cambodian and Lao cuisines. They are easily recognizable by their emerald green, double leaf lobes, which makes them appear as if two leaves are joined together.

The leaves should be used whole when simmering in soups and curries, and may be shredded for use in fishcakes or similar dishes.
They are perfect for adding flavour to Asian cuisine. They are aromatic and add their own elegant flavour to stir-fry,curry and salad.

When cooking your rice, especially jasmine rice, throw in a few leaves to have the flavour imparted to the rice.

Check here for what looks like a taste-tempting recipe courtesy of the BBC

Medicinal Uses:

~Add some fresh leaves to a hot bath. A delightful fragrance will waft from your bath water.~
~Bruise a few leaves and add to an outdoor citrus-scented potpourri. The scent will  linger in the evening air when eating outdoors.
~Use a bruised kaffir lime leaf to rub over your hands, this will freshen them and leave a delicious scent to you skin. Naturally, test a small area of skin for reactions before using this treat regularly.

Source:  WikiHow


The material provided on this site is designed for information and educational purposes only. The materials are not intended to be a self diagnostic and/or self treatment tool. I encourage you to use this information as a tool for discussing your condition with your health practitioner.    *The medicinal usages are for informational and educational purposes only*


  1. Totally new to me. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have heard of them, but never seen them around. Useful to have.


    1. Neither have I seen them anywhere. Only heard of them once. Have a great day!

      Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice

  3. I didn't know they existed!! Thank you so much for the valuable information! I will bet your an excellent cook too!!

  4. Wow. I love your theme for the A to Z, and what a fascinating collection of info. Thanks for putting this out there. Now I want spend the next hour browsing the rest. =)

  5. Another new herb, with both cooking uses and medicinal purposes. It sounds wonderful.
