Friday, 28 September 2012

Frivolous Friday

September  28,2012


Well, here it is  the end of  September already, and we in this part of Canada are wondering where our summer went and how did it get away so quickly.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday

September 2,2012 

Learning about some of the sea creatures @ the Touch Pool at the Aquarium in St. Andrews,N.B.

 Another interesting fellow.......


September 25,2012

-Benefits of Having Pets-

Many of us have, or had pets at one time or another. Our reasons for getting them are as varied as the people and pets, but for this post I am referring to the rather generic form of pets and that is cats and dogs.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday

September 19,2012
New sculpture for Saint John Park.


September  18,2012

The All Too Common, Common Cold

As I sit here thinking about what would be a suitable "Wellness" post for this week's blog, I am also attending to my husband's very infrequent illness. The symptoms are "common", the effects are "common" and the treatment is also "common".

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Q.       What does this spider and Google have in common?  


Tempus fugit sed vita bonum est *

The annual ceremony surrounding the "first day of school and  "back to school" tradition continued again this year.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Frivolous Friday

Lying on my back gazing skyward through out Maple tree.

Hello!  Well, how was your summer?  Did you get time to do all the things that you planned? You know,  when "summer" is in the near future and we are eagerly anticipating a time of  childlike freedom and endless hours at a setting of our, beach, camp site, travelling etc., or just not doing what were usually do, every single other day of the year??

Walking on a beach with Grand daughters.
Do you know that I would have to answer "YES" to that question.( sorry, but felt compelled to use "shouty capitals" here).  I enjoyed more freedom, restful sky gazing, and countless meals outside than I have had in my entire adult life. I kept waiting for  sky to fall, or to wake up and find that I was just having a great dream, but you see, that never happened.   The truth of the matter is  that I am thoroughly and completely enjoying a "pre retirement"!

There is still part of me that has some guilt feelings about not dragging my weary self out of  bed in the am and frantically  rushing off to work, but I am putting serious effort into ignoring that part and replacing it with peace and quiet....... so far so good.!!~

Enjoyed many beautiful sunsets with my husband.

I am, however, hoping to return to some semblance of a  schedule with my blogging, so I plan on continuing to blog on Tuesday about health issues with a focus on  mental health and on Fridays.... like today, about what ever happens to tickle my fancy!!!! Humour is an important aspect of  my life and I try to convey that in whatever I do. Life is serious enough so a little levity now and again is needed!